We connect Chinese tourists with the world through technology

Seamless and hassle-free travel experience for Chinese tourists traveling abroad by connecting Chinese digital environments to local businesses and destinations around the world.

Trusted by leading partners, including:

Simplifying the way chinese tourists travel abroad

Paying at restaurants, buying tickets for shows, making reservations at hotels and getting transportation should be easy for all.

Chinese travelers are finally able to travel everywhere, worry-free

Hotels, airports, public institutions, governments and city councils all around the world can benefit from a simple and straightforward interaction with the Chinese market.

We connect Chinese touristswith the world through technology

Blimey operates on a robust B2B2C model

Monetizing through subscriptions, transaction fees and brand advertising.

Enhancing the travel experience

  • Pre-journey

    Enthuse the Chinese traveler when they are planning their trip/destination by displaying relevant content on Douyin, Xiaohongshu, Baidu or Wechat

  • Reservation

    Your product in the places where the traveler decides and books his trip (Wechat, Miniprogram, Alipay app, Union Pay app, Ctrip, etc.)

  • Journey

    Impact the user at the moment of arrival on digital screens, SMS Ads or Wifi by location

  • Destination

    Visible and accessible to passengers during their trip with promotions at the right time and place

  • Return

    Build customer loyalty through Chinese platforms such as WeChat, Xiaohonghsu, JD or Tmall

What clients say about us

Blimey makes the trip an unforgettable experience

The only thing left is to enjoy your trip, the world is waiting for you to explore it in new ways. A better, new way to travel from China is here to change the way you move around the globe.

Let’s bring theworld closer